For the last two weeks, a new obsession has taken hold of me. I'm in love with the workings of
Stephenie Meyer. The Twilight books are so good, I read the first two very fast and am half way through the third. I haven't been this excited about books since the
Eragon books, and before that the
Harry Potter series.
I'm working on a new project for college, photos of my work will be up as soon as I start working! The project is still in the research/planning stage, but this week it has to move out of that stage pretty quick as next monday i have to hand
up a schedule detailing the dates of completion for various components of the project.
On Wednesday, I finally completed
Margie's Christmas present. I'll give it to her next weekend as I have to wait for the ink to dry. Here's the rest of the photos of the work!
This is the base colour:
The roll up of inks I mixed myself:
The woodblock print with each colour:
Masking taped woodblock, so that I could get the squares for the Gingham pattern: